
 For several years now it's been a struggle to write poetry, songs, and a whole lot of other things I used to do. I've been wondering why it's been so difficult but after my first video about my logo, and slogan, then a LIVE about my blog I felt something activate. Life wouldn't let up and when I tried to release in my usual cathartic manner I didn't feel connected to the poetry that I wrote and ultimately I'd throw them away. I guess I was activated a few weeks ago because I started hearing melodies in my head again, and poems as well as seeing creative things I used to. Something broke is all I know, and if you're spiritual enough to understand that then know that something in me has come back and that means more things are to come in so many other ways. 


By Shakana Borders 11/23/20


First you judged me, then you bugged me. Tried to point out how everyone passed or rose above me. You can’t compare my struggle to theirs, cause I carry my potential though you’re unaware.

All I do is eat and grow, the transformation in me aint for you to know, but keep on thinking I’m worthless, pathetic, and nothin’. I’m still transforming in the pain and the suffering.

Once I break free don’t think I’ve arrived. My purpose is to carry out God’s will wherever I fly, and people will only applaud me this one time, because they see all I’ve become on the OUTSIDE.

But I’m FOCUSED. I ignore all the claps cause while a caterpillar nobody had my back, some tried to kill me or make me suffer some more. They said I was nothing but a NASTY worm that wouldn’t amount to much more.

Even as a butterfly I still have some haters, but God’s purpose WILL be carried out, so HIS defenses in me poison the traitors. Attracted to pretty wings but mad they can’t fly. Not realizing if they kill me they too will die.

And though I look pretty, I’m not feeling myself. Humility gained from the struggle comes in abundance and wealth.

So if you wanna be a fan go ahead and clap for me one time. I’m only reproducing the thing God put in me so I can peacefully die.

And my life goes full circle-round and round, right side up, upside down-like a merry go round through the generations. I’ve been pushing through the greatness and even the devastation.

So go ahead…under estimate EVERYTHING you see, cause I have greatness God placed inside of me.


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