ROSE (Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere) Community Transformers Training

In a recent post I made called "Breastmilk Chronicles" I outlined a few things I did to build my milk supply as well as a few resources I've used to help me in a crisis I faced when my baby's school policy was out of date. The odds were stacked against me and I beat it! One of the things I listed was that I contacted the ROSE Community. In this post I'll be talking about ROSE and the programs they offer.

By far I've spoken to several Peer Counselors, Lactation Specialists, and Advisors, but the best support I've ever gotten was from the ROSE community. I connected with the ROSE Community when I went to the WIC office after getting a text about a Part-Time job as a Peer Counselor from them. I inquired about the position and even though WIC has a different type of Peer Counselor program, I was directed to ROSE by my Lactation Specialist. She gave me a ton of information on them and I went home to research it. I signed up for their FREE Community Transformers training. I missed the class in March and was rescheduled for June.

So when June came I actually did an intense training and this September on 17-18 I went to complete the rest of my training. Now I'm a certified Peer Counselor! It usuallly doesn't take this long, it generally only lasts 2 days. The reason I had to do this is because I was going through some personal hardships that made me miss out on an opportunity to do my club and my visit to Baby Cafe.

I am so excited about this because now I can create my own support groups to teach others about the importance of breastfeeding. ROSE will help me create this opportunity for others to learn and grow using their 3 Step Counseling Program. I am very excited to talk to you about this opportunity, because it's one that will help the community grow and understand more about Breastmilk and how important it is for mothers as well as their babies.

As you can see this is something I'm very passionate about. With all of my children's time breastfeeding combined I come to a beautiful 4 years total, and that number is still growing because Faith is only 4 months old and I don't intend on stopping any time soon.

Anyway here are some interesting things I was taught and shown during my training.

1. The Number 1 Barrier to Breastfeeding for Mothers is Embarrassment
There is a totally different culture here in America. They will make everything sexual even a mother feeding her child. I've spoken to mothers from different countries who come here to America and they tell me that in their county breastfeeding is common, and understood. There is no law against feeding your child, but in certain other countries such as the USA it is dehumanized and co Here is considered a sexual act. I've been in a place where they've considered breastmilk a bodily fluid not food. To me the only thing fueling the entire anti-breast milk movement is pure ignorance. Here is a poem by a British Poet Named Hollie McNish, and trust me she SLAMS every single ignorant thing that is said about Breastmilk. It's called Embarrassed! Remember to snap your fingers at the end of the video!

2. There is a Remix to "Teach Me How to Dougie" Called "Teach Me How to Breastfeed"

This by far is the most fun video I've ever seen! For some reason YouTube keeps taking down the original video every time it reaches a million views. When I first saw this video I laughed because it was so cute, and so open. Give it a watch and you'll see what I'm saying. So grab a Breast-friend and Watch this.

3. Black Breastfeeding Week is in August!
Image result for black breastfeeding week 2018
Overall the entire month of August is dedicated to breastfeeding. However the last week in August is Black Breastfeeding week. This year it was in between the dates of August 25-31. Many moms came out to nurse their children for the event. This year's event had a great turnout. If you want to learn more type in #LoveOnTop on Instagram followed by #BBW18 to find out more!


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