Believing In Me

"I can't make you believe in me,and neither can I make you see I'm worth fair chance. I can just believe in myself."-Shakana Borders Today I'm quoting myself! You know why, because sometimes we need to hit a point of desperation to speak with honesty about our situation. Honest to God, my family has been struggling, we've seen more points of strangulation in the spirit realm than any other family I could possibly know. We went 7 months homeless, had a new baby during that time, and are still trying to catch up on our debts. I know that there is a level of hardship you should "expect", but what happens when it's more like strategic attack. Ask the intercessors at your local praying fire baptized church. They'll tell you there's a such thing as being attacked, and that's why it's called SPIRITUAL WARFARE. Trust me, before you go getting too religious on me-saying I'm claiming things over my life, please realize that THIS ONE...