
Showing posts from 2018

How to Stand in 3 Not So Easy Steps

"After You've Done all you Can, You just Stand."- Donnie McClurkin In today's post I am going to discuss some points on just how to stand. One of my biggest questions to the Lord when I'm waiting for him after I've done everything I could is "Lord how do I prepare while I wait?" One too many times I've asked for a certain blessing and when the blessing came I wasn't in the position to receive anything. Nothing sucks more than praying and waiting for a blessing and then being denied access when it comes.  I honestly don't know what made me to hear this song STAND in my head. In fact my fondness of the song is not with great memory. I know it came out when I was a kid, my mothers peers ran the song through the hole as well as the radio, and by the time I was involved in liturgical dance and started going solo-guess what their main song request was?-You get what I'm saying! Honestly it's not that I hate the song, in fact I love t

Believing In Me

"I can't make you believe in me,and neither can I make you see I'm worth fair chance. I can just believe in myself."-Shakana Borders Today I'm quoting myself! You know why, because sometimes we need to hit a point of desperation to speak with honesty about our situation. Honest to God, my family has been struggling, we've seen more points of strangulation in the spirit realm than any other family I could possibly know. We went 7 months homeless, had a new baby during that time, and are still trying to catch up on our debts. I know that there is a level of hardship you should "expect", but what happens when it's more like strategic attack. Ask the intercessors at your local praying fire baptized church. They'll tell you there's a such thing as being attacked, and that's why it's called SPIRITUAL WARFARE. Trust me, before you go getting too religious on me-saying I'm claiming things over my life, please realize that THIS ONE

ROSE (Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere) Community Transformers Training

In a recent post I made called "Breastmilk Chronicles" I outlined a few things I did to build my milk supply as well as a few resources I've used to help me in a crisis I faced when my baby's school policy was out of date. The odds were stacked against me and I beat it! One of the things I listed was that I contacted the ROSE Community. In this post I'll be talking about ROSE and the programs they offer. By far I've spoken to several Peer Counselors, Lactation Specialists, and Advisors, but the best support I've ever gotten was from the ROSE community. I connected with the ROSE Community when I went to the WIC office after getting a text about a Part-Time job as a Peer Counselor from them. I inquired about the position and even though WIC has a different type of Peer Counselor program, I was directed to ROSE by my Lactation Specialist. She gave me a ton of information on them and I went home to research it. I signed up for their FREE Community Transforme

Breastmilk Chronicles

Imagine going to pick up your breastfed infant on her first day of school. You were a little nervous to begin with because she was used to the bottle at first but things got pretty hectic and you stopped being as committed to pumping your milk. So you work up the nerve to pump 6-5oz bags of milk for her the week prior but you feel confident she won't need all of that. You arrive at the school and they hand you 1 of those bags of milk and you ask "Did she really drink all of that milk!?!" to which her teacher replies, "Oh no, she only drank like 1 oz every time." "Where's the rest of my milk then?" "Oh it's our policy to discard it after an hour." That's right! This is something that actually happened to me. My newborn was getting readapted to the whole bottle phenomenon and she only drank 1oz per bottle on her first day, and the following days after she went to 2oz and out of nowhere 3oz within a matter of weeks! This led to