
Showing posts from November, 2017

Take Mommy to School Day

I went to my daughters school before thanksgiving weekend, and participated in Take Mommy to School Day. About 100 moms came to support their kids. They served us breakfast, they let us engage with the children in the class, and they also let us take our little ones home early. I had a blast and even though that was a lot of fun, there was something that happened prior to the event that I had to talk about. Earlier in the week Mr. Moore and Ms. Brenda told me that if I'm coming to "volunteer" for Take Mommy to school day I had to first sign a volunteer sheet and I also couldn't bring my 18 month old son. I heard them, I was upset at first but all I did is march right downstairs and speak to the director DIRECTLY. I told her I had a problem with the policy for this one day because I don't have a babysitter for my son-that doggone it I am the freaking babysitter! I really wanted to support my daughter though on this day and it was important to me. How would it lo

What does it mean to Prosper?

"It is not God's will for us to have fame and fortune; it's His Will for us to Prosper."- Rev. Victor Borders Jr. I wanted to start off this post with a quote from my husband because I wanted to talk about what real success is, and what real prosperity is. A while ago, I did a devotion called "How is your Soul?" by Judah Smith and it was based off his book that shares the same name. In his devotion he focuses on the scripture in 3 John 1:2 which says "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper, and be in health even as thy soul prospereth" What does this mean though? Well I like to delve in the Word deeper and the word prosper in this scripture comes from the greek word eudoo (yoo-od-o), and it means "to help on the road,succeed in reaching, to succeed in business affairs, to have a prosperous journey." Now that we have an idea of what prosper really means we can talk!  When I was doing this devotion I was actually