Thinking of Business Differently

Sometimes as a wife, mother, minister and whatever else you consider yourself to be you forget to keep it simple. From day to day you hustle and it seems more complicated with every day to focus on things in a simplified manner. 
In the past few months I've taught myself to go with my first mind, and to keep it simple. Most things I panic over are for naught. And when I panic I don't think things through.
So in the past few months even though I also applied for jobs, I've just been feeling in my heart that maybe I should also dedicate time to my business. Yeah I can work small jobs to fund my business, but doing all that work on a job and then preparing nothing is nuts. Then if I'm still waiting for a job just sitting around doing nothing while I wait is just stupid right? I mean if I have plans to move forward I should put some work in while I wait, only doing what I can. This way when is time to step into that full time I won't be going through any preparation that I should have done years before. I can take all the guess work out of everything.  So when I say hey I'm ready to do this business thing full time. I can already have my website,  social media,  phone numbers,  etc...that I need. All that would be left to do is grow.
So here's what I've been up to as a mom-prenuer. I'm building my website,  building my app, and I believe I finished setting up my PayPal and they are sending me a free card reader in the mail. I heard about free card readers, I just didn't know how to go about getting one. I've missed out on several years of people asking me to pay with card but I couldn't help them. So it's important to stay current.
Can you believe that all this progress started a few months ago when I was desperately searching for an answer?  I mean literally.  I was actually looking for online vending, and looked up "best vending websites" and as I'm reading some random article about 5-10 of the best free online vending, the last thing they listed was YOUR OWN WEBSITE. Now isn't that a trip? I'm sitting here trying to figure out where I can sell. I completely forgot about building a website. I guess cause I thought it was too hard? The truth is you can use any website builder you desire and then get a Google domain for just $12/yr. That's only $1/month, and anybody can spare that.  All you have to do is attach it to your website and publish.
One other goal I completely forgot to mention was my desire to edit my website and run it off of my mobile phone. As a mom-prenuer what time do I really have to sit at a desktop computer and edit? Sometimes it's hard to go to the library or spend time making changes to my website,  especially without a laptop. I used to have one but it broke. So now I'm back at square 1, and I just wished I  researched all of this 4 years ago while I had it, and I was playing Cake Mania 3 while my daughter took a nap. (I'm a PCP Gamer to the death!!!) I Probably downloaded some viruses on it by accident playing those games.
So I think I've learned my lesson and I want a new computer. I can't promise I won't game anymore but what I can promise is to buy the game this time. BesidesI'll be making my own money anyway, right?
Now I can truly be mom-prenuer. No more 20 cents for every post on a vending site, or anything of that sort just to try to sell my jewelry. No more competitors surrounding me. Just my individual style standing alone on my personal website.
Everything I do concerning my business is right here on my mobile phone. I don't have to go find a desktop or even own a laptop.  My mobile phone is my computer. I even created a business card that is digital and pressing on the different links takes you to my different social media pages and provides you with my contact information. I'll leave the link below for anyone who may be interested. When I finish building my website I will put that on there as well.
That's all I have to say for today. Until next time I post just remember that your career goals are possible even as a mom-prenuer. Sometimes you have to find yourself sure enogh, but be patient with yourself. You deserve it.


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