The Proof They Need to See

You ever met someone who was dead set on proving people wrong? Let me tell you something about those people... those types of people are always bitter trying to tell people how they don't need them, how they can do things on their own without help. How they're going to be somebody and prove to everybody who had something to say that they are somebody. The sad thing is they'll be in a life or death situation and never ask a soul for help because of the trauma they experienced over the years. For some reason a counterfeit voice and not the voice of God is more listened to than one of reason. The Bible says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and a fool despises instruction." Isn't it funny how the enemy-OUR enemy the devil is into clouding our judgment so badly that the things that are toxic to our souls is acceptable but not something good like good advice, or productivity? People who genuinely mean well are shunned, rejected, abused...