
Showing posts from March, 2017

Thinking of Business Differently

Sometimes as a wife, mother, minister and whatever else you consider yourself to be you forget to keep it simple. From day to day you hustle and it seems more complicated with every day to focus on things in a simplified manner.  In the past few months I've taught myself to go with my first mind, and to keep it simple. Most things I panic over are for naught. And when I panic I don't think things through. So in the past few months even though I also applied for jobs, I've just been feeling in my heart that maybe I should also dedicate time to my business. Yeah I can work small jobs to fund my business, but doing all that work on a job and then preparing nothing is nuts. Then if I'm still waiting for a job just sitting around doing nothing while I wait is just stupid right? I mean if I have plans to move forward I should put some work in while I wait, only doing what I can. This way when is time to step into that full time I won't be going through any preparation t