
My Sonshine/ My REIntroduction

Lately I've been working on smaller projects that interest me until I'm able to work up the nerve to create what I want. I already posted about how I created a cloth diaper for my newborn David in my last post! This time I didn't forget to include myself. When I made the bonnets for the girls I did't have enough fabric to make a bonnet for myself so I went to Goodwill and then Dollar Tree to see what I could find. As I am browsing the new layout of the items in Dollar Tree I came across the section with shower curtains and pillow cases. I found some satin pillow cases and bought 2. I finally took out the pattern I made for myself and I was able to use it. This bonnet only costs 2.75 to make because I already had a bunch of elastic already at home.  As of late I've been making things for my son Victor III. In a house full of girls my son always feels left out. So when I made my hair bonnet and theirs he was wondering what I would do for him. I began wonde

Cloth Diapering Beginner

I've had the roughest weekend. The pollen had gotten to me so badly that I haven't been well on and off for a few weeks. Speaking to my PCP about my health is on the very top of my list. Being sick has been such a frequent thing that I put aside some projects I intended for my family. This almost bummed me out but I didn't let it stop me.  Back in February I realized that I had a toddler still in diapers, and another baby on the way. This would be the third time we did this! Buying 1 box of Pampers from the store was one thing, but buying 2 boxes for 2 children is another. I wanted a way to preserve our budget. After spending about $80 on 2 cloth diaper bundles that included the 6 covers, 6 liners and bamboo inserts, about $25 on a wipe solution kit plus some more. I realized this journey would be very expensive to start out. Just to get situated I would need at least $300 or more. At the last minute I look on YouTube for anything about cloth diapering. I found a few videos

Let's Discuss Epilepsy with Kids

All month I've been blabbing my head off about epilepsy, and what it means to go beyond seizure first aid.- I should put that on a shirt! Today I went beyond seizure first aid and I was an advocate for epilepsy!  A month ago I spoke to my daughters teacher about what to do in an emergency for a seizure. After making her aware of seizure first aid I told her about Purple Day which was an idea 💡 I was given from the epilepsy foundation, but everyone wore purple at Gideons. It began as a simple class focused project and became a school wide thing.  I was minding my own business a few days ago, and I got an email from Parent Square saying to remember to wear Purple for Epilepsy Awareness Day! I was so excited that this effort was made on the part of Gideons Elementary which is a Kindezi school! This went from a small conversation on the phone with her nurse and her teacher about a small presentation to a school wide event. They have been incredibly instrumental in making s

My Personal Seizure Story

As you know this month is important to me because it's epilepsy awareness month. I've taken the time this month to post very little about my business and more about my epilepsy life. My goal is to raise awareness about epilepsy, but not only to be able to do seizure first aid. I want people to begin to look beyond seizure first aid and know what it means to befriend someone who has epilepsy.  Every story I've posted has been near and dear to my heart and I'm going to try my best to create a post that will explain every one of them in brief detail.  In my first post on Facebook I left my seizure profile up for anyone to read so they can learn about my epilepsy story. My posts gradually grew from there. I'd like to share the most pivotal posts that I can only hope changed the way people think of epilepsy, and people living with it.  My Epilepsy Profile The purpose of my epilepsy profile was to give people a small view of what epilepsy is in my life. My goa

Anya Shares Her Seizure

It was November 3, and all was well. I woke up at my usual time. I'm not a morning person either way, so I may have been grouchy but I was okay. It was the kids official day back to school after Election day, and Anya was ready to go. She had a purple flower hair clip that I'd handcrafted in her hair, and she was excited about it. When I told her why I wanted her to wear it she understood. When I was a kid I don't remember epilepsy being such a huge conversation. I knew I had it and I knew how it made me feel, but seizure first aid was probably the only thing taught about epilepsy back then. At one point in time people were even misinformed about that. They used to think to put a spoon in a person's mouth to keep them from biting their tongue, but on the contrary that is awful because it can cause their teeth to break if the person having the seizure is grinding their teeth.  Anyway, by the time I was a kid science had come along but it was still so little.

How to Get Delivered from the CLAP BACK Spirit!

Let me first express that this blog has been in my spirit for the past few weeks but as you know I've had to meditate on it, let it marinate a little with myself first, and then tell it to the public. I whole heartedly believe that when you hear a word from the Lord, the testing of your character comes thereafter. I'm usually waiting for the opportunity to write to all of you from a place of experience so that my words won't be just mere words, but exhortations to you because I've come from a place of testing myself. Christ resisted the devil in the wilderness so that he could testify that it was possible to do in human form. He definitely the standard for all believers everywhere, and so in the words of Winans Phase 2 "He is the model, I wanna follow!" Anyway as I was having a conversation with a friend and encouraging her through the Word of encouragement and of prayer, I stopped her mid sentence as she was speaking of some troubles she had encountered in he