How to Get Delivered from the CLAP BACK Spirit!

Let me first express that this blog has been in my spirit for the past few weeks but as you know I've had to meditate on it, let it marinate a little with myself first, and then tell it to the public. I whole heartedly believe that when you hear a word from the Lord, the testing of your character comes thereafter. I'm usually waiting for the opportunity to write to all of you from a place of experience so that my words won't be just mere words, but exhortations to you because I've come from a place of testing myself. Christ resisted the devil in the wilderness so that he could testify that it was possible to do in human form. He definitely the standard for all believers everywhere, and so in the words of Winans Phase 2 "He is the model, I wanna follow!" Anyway as I was having a conversation with a friend and encouraging her through the Word of encouragement and of prayer, I stopped her mid sentence as she was speaking of some troubles she had encountered in he...