Vision Planning/Boarding and Strategic Warfare

Strategy Is Learned and Not Just for the Gifted... Most people think strategy is hard, and I'll say some think it's a skill for those who are more gifted than them. I will agree to an extent that some people are better at finding a rhythm than others. They may have more discipline or really understand how to apply themselves, but I'm here to say that if you have a passion that you can learn to strategize! Your strategy for anything is simply expounding on your goals. It's your "How to your problem. It's not complicated to think about how you will get from one place to another, and if you have had to pull up directions for your parents in the past off of mapquest, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. Personally I've had to creatively think all my life because of an epilepsy diagnosis. I couldn't reach my milestones how my peers could typically do it. So while most people look up to me as a Strategist, I'm actuall...